Perfect Care Pool Service

Pool Service and Landscape Design: Creating Harmonious Outdoor Spaces

In the realm of home aesthetics and relaxation, few elements rival the allure of a well-designed pool nestled within a beautifully landscaped outdoor space. The integration of pool service and landscape design is not merely about the juxtaposition of water and greenery; it’s about creating a harmonious environment where each element complements and enhances the other. In this exploration, we delve into the symbiotic relationship between pool service and landscape design, uncovering the secrets to crafting outdoor spaces that evoke tranquility and beauty.

Understanding the Unity of Elements

At the heart of creating a harmonious outdoor space lies an understanding of the interconnectedness of elements. Pool service professionals and landscape designers work hand in hand to achieve a seamless blend of water features, plantings, hardscapes, and architectural elements. Each component is carefully selected and positioned to contribute to the overall aesthetic and functionality of the space.

Designing with Purpose

Effective landscape design goes beyond mere aesthetics; it considers the intended use of the outdoor space and the lifestyle of the homeowners. When integrating a pool into the landscape, considerations such as desired activities (swimming, lounging, entertaining), privacy requirements, sun exposure, and maintenance preferences must be taken into account. Pool service providers collaborate with landscape designers to ensure that the design not only looks stunning but also meets the practical needs of the homeowners.

Enhancing Visual Continuity

One of the key principles of landscape design is visual continuity, which refers to the seamless flow of elements throughout the outdoor space. When designing around a pool, this principle is especially important. Pool service professionals and landscape designers use techniques such as repetition of plantings, consistent materials and colors, and strategic placement of focal points to create a cohesive visual narrative that ties the pool area to the surrounding landscape.

Balancing Softscapes and Hardscapes

A harmonious outdoor space strikes a delicate balance between softscapes (plants, trees, and other living elements) and hardscapes (paving, decking, and built structures). Pool service providers work closely with landscape designers to integrate these elements in a way that enhances the beauty and functionality of the space. For example, softscapes can soften the edges of a pool and provide privacy, while hardscapes can define seating areas and pathways.

Incorporating Water Features

Water features play a central role in both pool service and landscape design, adding movement, sound, and visual interest to outdoor spaces. Whether it’s a cascading waterfall, a tranquil fountain, or a meandering stream, water features can create a sense of tranquility and relaxation. Pool service professionals collaborate with landscape designers to integrate water features into the overall design, ensuring that they complement the pool and surrounding landscape.

Emphasizing Sustainability

In today’s environmentally conscious world, sustainable design practices are paramount. Pool service providers and landscape designers are increasingly incorporating eco-friendly features such as native plantings, rainwater harvesting systems, and energy-efficient pool equipment into their designs. By prioritizing sustainability, they not only reduce the environmental impact of outdoor spaces but also create landscapes that are easier and more cost-effective to maintain in the long run.

Creating Zones of Interest

Effective landscape design often involves creating distinct zones of interest within the outdoor space. These zones can include areas for lounging, dining, gardening, or simply enjoying the beauty of nature. Pool service professionals work with landscape designers to delineate these zones using elements such as plantings, lighting, and hardscape materials. By creating multiple focal points throughout the landscape, they encourage exploration and interaction, enhancing the overall experience of the outdoor space.

Embracing Personalization

Ultimately, the success of any landscape design lies in its ability to reflect the unique preferences and lifestyle of the homeowners. Pool service providers and landscape designers collaborate closely with clients to understand their vision, preferences, and practical needs. Whether it’s incorporating favorite plants, creating a custom pool shape, or designing a personalized outdoor living area, the goal is to create a space that feels like an extension of the homeowners’ personalities and values.

In conclusion, the integration of pool service and landscape design is a delicate dance that requires collaboration, creativity, and expertise. By working together, pool service professionals and landscape designers can transform ordinary outdoor spaces into havens of beauty, tranquility, and harmony. Whether it’s a sleek modern pool surrounded by minimalist plantings or a lush tropical oasis complete with waterfalls and palm trees, the possibilities are endless when pool service and landscape design join forces to create outdoor spaces that delight the senses and nourish the soul.

Pool Safety 101: Essential Guidelines for Preventing Accidents and Injuries

With its promise of fun and relaxation, a pool can be a source of endless enjoyment for families and friends. However, it’s crucial to remember that pools also pose inherent risks, particularly when safety precautions are overlooked. Whether you’re a pool owner or a frequent visitor to swimming facilities, understanding and adhering to essential safety guidelines is paramount to prevent accidents and injuries. In this comprehensive guide, we’ll explore the fundamental principles of pool safety to ensure a secure and enjoyable aquatic experience for everyone involved.

Supervision is Key

Never underestimate the importance of supervision around water, especially when children are involved. Designate a responsible adult as a designated “water watcher” to actively supervise swimmers at all times. Avoid distractions like phone calls or reading, and maintain constant vigilance to prevent accidents.

Swimming Skills and Education

Enroll children and adults alike in swimming lessons to equip them with essential water safety skills. Even proficient swimmers should continuously refine their abilities. Additionally, educate swimmers about pool rules, including diving protocols, no running on wet surfaces, and the importance of respecting depth markers.

Barriers and Fencing

Install barriers such as fences, gates, and pool covers to restrict unauthorized access to the pool area. Fences should be at least four feet tall, non-climbable, and equipped with self-closing and self-latching mechanisms. Regularly inspect and maintain these barriers to ensure their effectiveness.

Learn CPR and First Aid

In the event of an emergency, knowing cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) and first aid can make a critical difference in saving lives. Consider taking CPR and first aid courses from certified providers, and encourage others in your household or community to do the same.

Keep Safety Equipment Handy

Maintain a well-stocked poolside safety kit containing essential items such as reaching poles, flotation devices, and a phone for emergencies. These tools can facilitate swift response and assistance in case of accidents or near-drowning incidents.

Regular Maintenance and Inspection

Ensure that your pool and its surrounding area are well-maintained and free from hazards. Conduct routine inspections of pool equipment, such as pumps, filters, and drains, to identify and address any potential issues promptly. Remove debris, toys, and other obstructions from the pool and deck area to minimize tripping hazards.

Safe Diving Practices

Establish clear guidelines for diving to prevent head and spinal injuries. Only dive in designated areas with sufficient depth, and always enter the water feet-first if you’re unsure of the depth or potential obstacles. Educate swimmers about the dangers of shallow water diving and the importance of checking water depth before diving.

Alcohol and Pool Safety

Avoid alcohol consumption when swimming or supervising others in the pool. Alcohol impairs judgment, coordination, and reaction time, increasing the risk of accidents and drowning. Encourage responsible drinking practices and designate a sober individual to supervise pool activities.

Sun Protection

Don’t overlook the importance of sun protection when spending time in and around the pool. Apply sunscreen with a high SPF regularly, wear protective clothing, such as rash guards and wide-brimmed hats, and seek shade during peak sun hours to reduce the risk of sunburn and heat-related illnesses.

Emergency Preparedness

Develop and rehearse an emergency action plan with all pool users, outlining steps to take in case of accidents, injuries, or inclement weather. Post emergency contact numbers, including those for local emergency services and poison control, in a visible location near the pool.

In conclusion, prioritizing pool safety is essential for preventing accidents and injuries in aquatic environments. By implementing these guidelines and fostering a culture of vigilance and responsibility, pool owners and users can enjoy the benefits of swimming while minimizing risks. Remember, the key to a safe and enjoyable pool experience lies in proactive measures, constant supervision, and adherence to established safety protocols.

Creating a Relaxing Poolside Retreat: Tips for Pool Landscaping

A poolside retreat isn’t just about the water; it’s about the entire atmosphere surrounding it. A well-designed pool landscaping can transform your backyard into a tranquil oasis, perfect for relaxation and entertainment. Whether you’re starting from scratch or looking to revamp your existing pool area, here are some tips to help you create the ultimate poolside retreat.

Assess Your Space

Before diving into pool landscaping, take a step back and evaluate your space. Consider the size and shape of your pool, the layout of your backyard, and any existing features like trees, gardens, or structures. Understanding your space will help you plan the layout and design of your poolside retreat more effectively.

Define Your Style

Are you drawn to tropical vibes, Mediterranean elegance, or modern minimalism? Defining your preferred style will guide your landscaping choices, from plant selections to furniture and decor. Incorporate elements that resonate with your personal taste and complement the overall aesthetic of your home.

Create Privacy

Enhance the serenity of your poolside retreat by incorporating privacy features. Tall hedges, trellises adorned with climbing vines, or strategically placed screens can provide seclusion without compromising on style. Consider the sightlines from neighboring properties and choose landscaping elements that offer both visual and auditory privacy.

Choose Appropriate Plants

Selecting the right plants is essential for creating a lush and inviting poolside environment. Opt for low-maintenance foliage that thrives in your climate and won’t shed excessive leaves into the pool. Tropical palms, flowering shrubs, and ornamental grasses are popular choices for poolside landscaping, offering beauty and texture without overwhelming the space.

Focus on Functionality

Design your poolside retreat with functionality in mind. Incorporate shaded areas for relief from the sun, such as pergolas, umbrellas, or shade sails. Invest in durable outdoor furniture that can withstand exposure to sun, water, and humidity. Consider adding amenities like an outdoor kitchen, fire pit, or built-in seating to enhance the usability and enjoyment of your pool area.

Integrate Water Features

Enhance the ambiance of your poolside retreat with the soothing sounds of water features. Consider adding a fountain, waterfall, or bubbling spa to create a sense of tranquility and visual interest. Water features can also help mask noise from nearby traffic or neighbors, contributing to a more peaceful atmosphere.

Lighting for Ambiance

Extend the enjoyment of your poolside retreat into the evening hours with strategic lighting. Incorporate a combination of task lighting for safety and ambiance lighting to create a magical atmosphere. LED lights installed in and around the pool can illuminate the water, while string lights, lanterns, and torches can add warmth and charm to the surrounding space.

Incorporate Hardscape Elements

Balance soft landscaping with hardscape elements to create visual interest and structure. Consider using natural stone or pavers for pathways, patios, and retaining walls. Incorporate decorative elements like mosaic tiles, pebble accents, or decorative edging to add personality and style to your pool area.

Accessorize Thoughtfully

Finish off your poolside retreat with carefully curated accessories that enhance the ambiance and functionality of the space. Invest in quality outdoor rugs, cushions, and throws to add comfort and style to your seating areas. Incorporate weather-resistant artwork, sculptures, or decorative accents to personalize the space and reflect your personality.

Regular Maintenance

Once your poolside retreat is complete, ongoing maintenance is key to keeping it looking its best. Establish a regular maintenance routine for cleaning, pruning, and watering your landscaping. Monitor water chemistry and cleanliness to ensure a safe and enjoyable swimming experience. With proper care and attention, your poolside retreat will remain a relaxing haven for years to come.

In conclusion, creating a relaxing poolside retreat is all about thoughtful planning, strategic design, and attention to detail. By assessing your space, defining your style, and incorporating elements that enhance privacy, functionality, and ambiance, you can transform your pool area into a serene oasis that’s perfect for unwinding and entertaining. With the right landscaping choices and ongoing maintenance, your poolside retreat will become a beloved destination for relaxation and enjoyment for you and your family.

Newly Renovated Pool Care: Tips from Swimming Pool Renovations in Brisbane Experts

Congratulations on your newly renovated concrete swimming pool! As a proud pool owner in the beautiful city of Brisbane, it’s essential to understand the importance of proper pool care to ensure your investment remains pristine for years to come. In this article, we will discuss some essential tips and guidelines to help you maintain your newly renovated pool with ease from swimming pool renovations Brisbane specialists.

Regular Pool Cleaning

Keeping your pool clean is crucial for maintaining its aesthetics and overall functionality. Here are some key steps to include in your pool cleaning routine:

a. Skimming: Use a pool skimmer or net to remove leaves, debris, and any other floating particles from the water’s surface.
b. Brushing: Brush the pool walls, steps, and floor regularly to prevent algae and other buildup.
c. Vacuuming: Invest in a reliable pool vacuum to remove dirt and debris from the pool floor and hard-to-reach corners.

Water Chemistry Balance

Maintaining the proper chemical balance in your pool water is vital for both swimmers’ health and the longevity of your pool. Check out factors to consider:

a. pH Levels: Regularly test and adjust the pH levels of your pool water to ensure it remains within the optimal range of 7.2 to 7.6.
b. Chlorine Levels: Keep a consistent chlorine level to disinfect the water and prevent algae growth. Test the chlorine levels regularly and add the appropriate amount if necessary.
c. Total Alkalinity and Calcium Hardness: Monitor and maintain the total alkalinity and calcium hardness levels to prevent corrosion or scaling issues.

Filtration and Circulation

Proper filtration and circulation are essential for water clarity and the removal of contaminants. Consider the following:

a. Filter Cleaning: Clean or backwash your pool filter regularly to ensure optimal filtration efficiency.
b. Pump Operation: Run the pool pump for a sufficient duration each day to ensure proper water circulation and filtration.

swimming pool renovations Brisbane

Regular Maintenance and Inspections

To avoid costly repairs and maintain the longevity of your newly renovated pool, it’s essential to stay proactive. Consider the following:

Professional Inspections: Schedule regular inspections by pool professionals, like Ezy Living Pools, to identify any potential issues early on and address them promptly.
Equipment Maintenance: Regularly inspect and maintain pool equipment such as pumps, heaters, and lights, ensuring they are functioning properly.
Surface and Tile Care: Keep an eye out for cracks or damage to the pool’s surface or tiles. Repair any issues promptly to prevent further deterioration.

The Importance of Swimming Pool Renovations

Renovating a swimming pool can significantly enhance its appeal, functionality, and lifespan. If you’re a pool owner in Brisbane, it’s essential to understand the importance of pool renovations.

Swimming pool renovations extend beyond aesthetics and safety. Renovating your pool can increase its value, as an updated and well-maintained pool adds appeal to your property. Moreover, renovations allow you to improve energy efficiency by incorporating modern equipment such as energy-saving pumps and LED lighting systems, reducing long-term operating costs.

Personalization and enjoyment are also key benefits of pool renovations. You can customize your pool to align with your preferences and lifestyle, whether it’s adding a spa area, installing water features, or creating a designated area for children.

If you’re considering swimming pool renovations in Brisbane, it’s crucial to seek professional assistance. Companies like Ezy Living Pools have expertise in swimming pool renovations Brisbane services. They have expertise in transforming outdated pools into stunning, modern spaces that enhance both the functionality and beauty of your pool. To learn more about swimming pool renovations in Brisbane, visit Ezy Living Pools.

How Often Do Pools Need To Be Redone?

The frequency of pool renovation largely depends on several factors, including the pool’s age, condition, & level of maintenance it has received over the years. Consider the following:

Structural Integrity: The structural integrity of a pool may deteriorate due to factors such as shifting soil, ground movement, or the aging of construction materials. If you notice cracks, leaks, or significant structural issues, it’s crucial to address them promptly through renovations to prevent further damage and ensure the safety of the pool.

Aesthetic Upgrades: The desire to refresh the pool’s appearance is another reason for renovations. Whether it’s updating the tiles, resurfacing the pool, or changing the pool’s shape or design, renovations can revitalize the pool’s aesthetics and make it more visually appealing.

Upgrading Features and Technology: Pool owners may choose to renovate their pools to incorporate new features or advanced technology. This could include adding energy-efficient equipment, upgrading lighting systems, installing water features, or incorporating automation for enhanced convenience and efficiency.

Swimming pool renovations play a crucial role in maintaining the safety, functionality, and aesthetic appeal of your pool. The frequency of renovations depends on various factors, including structural integrity, desired upgrades, and overall maintenance. By investing in pool renovation in Brisbane, you can ensure a beautiful, functional, and safe swimming environment that provides enjoyment for years to come. Whether you’re looking to address structural concerns, upgrade features, or enhance the overall look of your pool, renovations offer an opportunity to transform your pool into a true oasis.

Contact a Swimming Pool Renovations Expert in Brisbane Today!

Ezy Living Pools is the top choice for professional pool renovation in Brisbane. With their expertise and experience, they specialize in transforming pools into stunning oases. Contact Ezy Living Pools today to benefit from their exceptional craftsmanship and tailored services.

Their concrete pool renovations expert will guide you through the entire renovation process, whether you need structural repairs or equipment upgrades. With attention to detail and professionalism, Ezy Living Pools ensures outstanding results that exceed your expectations.

Enhance your pool’s beauty and functionality by trusting Ezy Living Pools. Contact them now for expert pool renovations in Brisbane. Let their expertise bring your vision to life and create the pool of your dreams.

The Benefits of Professional Pool Maintenance Service

Hiring a pool professional to clean and maintain your swimming pool is a smart decision. They can offer a number of benefits, including expert advice, less stress, and convenience.

They can also help you save money by catching problems early. This means you can avoid costly repairs and replacements.

Expert Advice

A pool is an amazing addition to any home, but it needs constant maintenance. This is where a professional pool service comes in handy.

Having a professional come in regularly and make sure that your pool is working properly will save you a lot of time and money in the long run. They will check your pool pump, filters, and other equipment to make sure that they are functioning correctly and not causing any problems.

They will also test the water to ensure that the chemistry is balanced and safe for use by swimmers. This is important because the wrong levels of chemicals could cause serious health issues.

They will even be able to get rid of any algae that is growing in your pool. Algae is a common problem that can ruin the overall look of your pool and affect your enjoyment of it.

Less Stress

A pool can help you relieve stress and relax your body. It also provides a wonderful escape from your worries. Having a professional service come and maintain your pool will ensure that you have a clean and beautiful swimming pool all year round!

One of the most important benefits that come with having a professional pool maintenance service is that it will save you a lot of time. Having someone come and take care of your pool will allow you to spend more quality time with your family and friends!

Another great thing about hiring a pool service is that they can take care of any issues that arise. For example, if you have a leak in your pool, a professional service can fix it right away and prevent further damage.

They can even check your equipment and integrity, which can help you catch small issues before they become a big problem. This helps you avoid expensive repairs like busted water pumps, cracked hoses, and degraded water seals.


Professional pool service is not only convenient, it’s also beneficial to your swimming pool and family. These professionals know how to maintain your pool and ensure it’s always safe for swimmers and guests to use.

They will also be able to give you advice and guidance about how to care for your pool. This will help you save time and money in the long run.

Another great thing about having a professional service is that they are constantly checking the water in your pool for a proper pH balance and cleanliness. This helps prevent problems with skin irritation, allergies, and even equipment damage that may lead to costly repairs in the future.

They’ll also be able to clean the equipment in your pool, drain it to the appropriate level, clean the pump and filter, blow out the lines and install a winter cover. This will help protect your pool from harmful elements and increase its lifespan.

Save Money

If you’re a pool owner, you know how much time and effort it takes to keep your pool clean. Many homeowners try to do it themselves, but it’s not always cost-effective.

Hiring a professional service can save you money in the long run. For one thing, the professionals will have all the necessary equipment and supplies to maintain your pool.

Additionally, they’ll be able to spot any problems early on. This means you won’t have to pay for more expensive repairs down the road.

This is especially important if you have children who might get sick from contaminated water. It could also affect the value of your property if it’s in disrepair and isn’t well maintained overall.

A pool is a valuable asset to any home. It can add 5 to 8% of the value of your home’s real estate value, and it provides physical and mental health benefits.

Achieve Spa Pool Bliss With Our Expert Maintenance Tips!

Taking good care of your hot tub is the best way to enjoy it, especially during winter. Follow our expert maintenance tips and you’ll have a blissful soak all season long!

You’ll also avoid spending money on chemicals that evaporate quickly during the colder months. Plus, these tips will ensure your spa remains in excellent condition for years to come.

1. Keep Your Water Clean

A hot tub filled with dirty water is not only unpleasant, but it can also lead to health problems. This is why keeping your water clean is so important!

First, test your tap water regularly to make sure it is suitable for use in your spa. Problems like soft or hard water, pH imbalance or high alkalinity can negatively impact water quality.

Next, clean your filter to remove scum and scale buildup on the cartridges. This can be done by soaking filters in a 20 parts water to 1 part acid solution, such as Power Soak or ecoTUB Filter Soak.

Rinse filters biweekly to remove larger debris. Dispose of old filters at each water change. This will keep them from clogging and prolong their life.

2. Keep Your Filters Clean

One of the most important things you can do for your spa is to keep your filters clean. Without a properly maintained filter, your hot tub will have a hard time catching contaminants and will result in murky water.

Keeping your filters clean will help keep them functioning at their best and prolong their life. You should inspect your filter at least once a week and change it when necessary.

It’s also important to test your spa’s water regularly. You can do this by collecting a sample from the water and using a test kit to check the pH and chlorine levels.

3. Test Your Water Regularly

Testing your water regularly is one of the most important things you can do to maintain your spa’s health. You can use a regular liquid test kit or specialized test strips to check your pool’s chlorine, pH and alkalinity levels.

It’s also a good idea to check the color of your water, as well. This can help you determine if your pool is getting cloudy and needs a shock treatment.

Another great way to maintain your hot tub’s water quality is to add salt. Refined mineral salts naturally sanitize your spa water without the need for added chemicals or a specialized sanitizing system.

4. Shock Your Water Regularly

When you use your pool, hot tub, or swim spa regularly, you need to make sure you are taking care of it well. Keeping it clean will keep your water safe, healthy, and happy to use, which will save you time, money, and stress down the road!

One of the most important maintenance tasks that you can do to prevent scum buildup is to shock your water regularly. Shocking your pool will remove any stray algae and bacteria that may have taken root in the water, and can also help keep your pool looking its best!

You should shock your pool when the pH and total alkalinity are both in the range of 7.2-7.4. This will help you get your chlorine and other chemicals working the way they should, which will keep your water safe and healthy to use for years to come!

5. Keep Your Spa Clean

If you’ve ever had to soak in a dirty spa pool, you know how icky it can be. Not only does dirty water put your health at risk, it can also damage your spa and its equipment.

To prevent dirty water from affecting your spa pool, you need to do a few simple maintenance tasks to keep it clean and sparkling. These tips will help you get the most out of your investment and avoid costly repairs down the line.

Pool Care With Our Professional Maintenance Services!

If you own a pool, you know that it takes time and dedication to maintain its appearance. Luckily, there are professionals you can hire to do the work for you!

The pros have the equipment and chemicals to keep your pool in good shape. They also save you time and money by not having to constantly buy materials for the job.


Vacuuming a pool is a weekly task that’s important to keep the water clear. This process is a good way to get rid of dirt, leaves and other unwanted debris that could otherwise blow onto the surface or settle in the bottom.

In fact, vacuuming your pool might be one of the most important steps in ensuring your water stays clean and safe for swimming. It also helps maintain the health of your family by removing dust, bacteria and other particles that may be harmful to your skin or breathing.

Luckily, there are many different types of vacuums available that will meet your pool cleaning needs. From handheld vacuums to automated ones that can be set up and operated remotely, there is sure to be a model that is right for your needs. The most important thing is to remember to use it correctly, and to follow the directions to the letter. Keeping your pool clean can be difficult if you aren’t careful, but it is well worth the effort.


Keeping your pool clean is not an easy task, but it’s important for your health and safety. If you don’t keep up with it, dirt, sand, leaves and other debris can build up in your pool and make it unsafe for swimmers.

Our professional cleaning services include brushing, a process that removes any buildup of dirt and scum. Brushing will also help prevent algae from growing in your pool.

Algae requires nutrients, sunlight and somewhere to grow, so it’s important to brush your pool at least once a week.

A swimming pool is a big investment and it should be maintained well to ensure you get the best return on your money. A poorly maintained pool will detract from the value of your property and can even be a red flag to potential buyers!

Choosing to hire a pool maintenance service is an excellent way to maintain your pool and ensure it’s safe for use. It can help you save time and hassle, as well as provide you with the peace of mind that comes from knowing your pool is being taken care of.


A pool shock treatment is a quick way to clear up a variety of issues, including hazy or cloudy water and algae blooms. However, it is important to use the right type of product for the job and follow proper safety procedures.

Most importantly, the correct time for shocking your pool is critical to getting the results you want. Typically, shock is applied after dusk when it can work without being exposed to the sun’s harmful UV rays.

Common types of chemicals used for this purpose include calcium hypochlorite (also known as cal hypo) and sodium hypochlorite. These options are most often sold in granular form and need to be dissolved into water before being added to the pool. This helps prevent the chemical from discoloring the water and staining the liner or floor of the pool.

Acid Wash

Acid washing is a standard procedure used to remove stains from the surfaces of pool walls and bottoms. These stains are caused by years of exposure to grime and algae.

The acids that are used to wash the stains can also help to reduce mineral buildup in the pool and to prevent bacterial blooms. This is a great way to keep your pool looking its best!

Stains can be caused by calcium deposits that develop over time. These stains can be difficult to remove with traditional cleaning methods.

A professional pool cleaning technician will drain your pool and scrub the sides before applying a muriatic acid solution. The pool is then rinsed with soda ash to neutralize the waste water and refilled.

Acid washing can be done on concrete, plaster or stone pools. However, it is extremely dangerous work if not done correctly or with the correct safety protocols.